At this moment when Russia is being hit with a new propaganda attack
over ‘political murder’ in Moscow it’s a good time to recall 12 notable
US national political figures, all found murdered or suspiciously dead –
Senators, Congressmen, Federal Prosecutors, Federal Judge, Governor,
CIA Director – after questioning corruption or disturbing US oligarch
leadership – since the 1963 JFK assassination. With 4 coup d’état ‘hits’
on the last 10 US Presidents themselves.
The list makes clear the ongoing menace of murder of any US prosecutor or national judge or politician who does not serve US ruling political families. Especially note the recent, media-hidden shooting murder of US Federal (national) Judge Roll after ruling against the US regime, along with the ‘suiciding’ deaths of two US Federal Prosecutors Ross and Colbert … ‘hits’ which keep even the US Supreme Court and all US prosecutors in terror and behaving submissively.

(1-2) Two Congressmen, Thomas Hale Boggs, Sr, House Majority Leader (right), along with Alaska Congressman Nick Begich, killed in the same plane crash, 16 October 1972; Boggs was involved in JFK assassination investigation.

(3) Congressman Larry McDonald of Georgia was killed on 1 September 1983, booked onto the Korean airliner that was shot down over the ocean; McDonald had filed bills asking the US Congress to investigate the globalist Trilateral Commission and CFR (Council on Foreign Relations).

(4) Former US Senator from Texas John Tower, killed in plane crash 5 April 1991, after criticising Reagan-Bush scandals.

(5) William Colby, former director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, found dead 27 April 1996, laughable story he drowned after paddling his canoe by his Maryland weekend house; Colby had made revelations critical of US policies.

(6) Sonny Bono, singer from Sonny & Cher, Congressman on key House Judiciary Committee, killed 6 January 1998, after gaining position to investigate corruption at America’s highest levels, Bono handled files on judicial corruption and the CIA drug trade … fake story that excellent skier Sonny went head-on into a tree … even ex-FBI people say it was murder.

(7) US Missouri Governor Melvin Eugene ‘Mel’ Carnahan, killed in plane crash 16 October 2000, opponent of vicious US Attorney General John Ashcroft, Carnahan won the election even after being dead.

(8) US Senator Paul Wellstone from Minnesota, killed in plane crash 25 October 2002, after leading opposition to the US Iraq War.

(9) Former US Congressman Wayne Owens from Utah, found dead in Tel Aviv, Israel, 18 December 2002, while investigating the triangle of US-Israeli-Palestinian Authority corruption.

(10-11) US Federal Prosecutors Thelma Colbert, US Dept. of Justice in Fort Worth, Texas (left), and Shannon Ross, criminal chief US Attorney in Dallas, Texas, jointly involved in pursuing crimes linked to the Bush family and Novation LLC, both ‘suicided’ within weeks of each other, Colbert drowned in her swimming pool in July 2004, and Ross found dead in her home 13 September 2004, case involving Bushes buried along with them.

(12) US Federal Judge John Roll shot dead in Tucson, Arizona, 8 January 2011, shortly after ruling against Obama and the US gov’t … drugged up ‘lone gunman’ promptly supplied, ‘confessing’ and otherwise barely seen. Media almost totally obscured this story in favour of other shooting victims, because the main object was intimidating all other US judges with how they can be killed violently and with few aware of how or why they died.
The murder (6) above, of US Judiciary Congressman Bono supervising the judges, was used in turn to terrorise US Congress Judiciary Chairman John Conyers in 2008-09, and prevent him from enacting a bold plan to remove US corrupt judges, when Conyers was temporarily fooled by the hype of his fellow black Barack Obama being elected President; Conyers wife’ was jailed on charges to drive home the death threats against him.
Note too that of the last 10 US Presidents, 4 have been attacked with coup d’état removal attacks. Two Presidents were shot – John F Kennedy killed in 1963, and then Ronald Reagan in 1981, wounded by a shooter linked to the family of then Vice-President Bush.
Two other US Presidents underwent CIA-tied ‘impeachment’ deceptions, first the 1974 Watergate ‘Silent Coup’ using intel officer Bob Woodward planted as a Washington Post fake ‘brave reporter’, Woodward having worked in intel directly under US Joint Chiefs military head Admiral Maurer. And then Bill Clinton in the 1990s, when he balked at plans to bomb Serbia and kill thousands of people, was hit with the ‘impeachment’ farce with agent Monica Lewinsky … Clinton submitted and began bombing shortly after his stage-managed ‘acquittal’.
The list makes clear the ongoing menace of murder of any US prosecutor or national judge or politician who does not serve US ruling political families. Especially note the recent, media-hidden shooting murder of US Federal (national) Judge Roll after ruling against the US regime, along with the ‘suiciding’ deaths of two US Federal Prosecutors Ross and Colbert … ‘hits’ which keep even the US Supreme Court and all US prosecutors in terror and behaving submissively.
(1-2) Two Congressmen, Thomas Hale Boggs, Sr, House Majority Leader (right), along with Alaska Congressman Nick Begich, killed in the same plane crash, 16 October 1972; Boggs was involved in JFK assassination investigation.
(3) Congressman Larry McDonald of Georgia was killed on 1 September 1983, booked onto the Korean airliner that was shot down over the ocean; McDonald had filed bills asking the US Congress to investigate the globalist Trilateral Commission and CFR (Council on Foreign Relations).
(4) Former US Senator from Texas John Tower, killed in plane crash 5 April 1991, after criticising Reagan-Bush scandals.
(5) William Colby, former director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, found dead 27 April 1996, laughable story he drowned after paddling his canoe by his Maryland weekend house; Colby had made revelations critical of US policies.
(6) Sonny Bono, singer from Sonny & Cher, Congressman on key House Judiciary Committee, killed 6 January 1998, after gaining position to investigate corruption at America’s highest levels, Bono handled files on judicial corruption and the CIA drug trade … fake story that excellent skier Sonny went head-on into a tree … even ex-FBI people say it was murder.
(7) US Missouri Governor Melvin Eugene ‘Mel’ Carnahan, killed in plane crash 16 October 2000, opponent of vicious US Attorney General John Ashcroft, Carnahan won the election even after being dead.
(8) US Senator Paul Wellstone from Minnesota, killed in plane crash 25 October 2002, after leading opposition to the US Iraq War.
(9) Former US Congressman Wayne Owens from Utah, found dead in Tel Aviv, Israel, 18 December 2002, while investigating the triangle of US-Israeli-Palestinian Authority corruption.
(10-11) US Federal Prosecutors Thelma Colbert, US Dept. of Justice in Fort Worth, Texas (left), and Shannon Ross, criminal chief US Attorney in Dallas, Texas, jointly involved in pursuing crimes linked to the Bush family and Novation LLC, both ‘suicided’ within weeks of each other, Colbert drowned in her swimming pool in July 2004, and Ross found dead in her home 13 September 2004, case involving Bushes buried along with them.
(12) US Federal Judge John Roll shot dead in Tucson, Arizona, 8 January 2011, shortly after ruling against Obama and the US gov’t … drugged up ‘lone gunman’ promptly supplied, ‘confessing’ and otherwise barely seen. Media almost totally obscured this story in favour of other shooting victims, because the main object was intimidating all other US judges with how they can be killed violently and with few aware of how or why they died.
The murder (6) above, of US Judiciary Congressman Bono supervising the judges, was used in turn to terrorise US Congress Judiciary Chairman John Conyers in 2008-09, and prevent him from enacting a bold plan to remove US corrupt judges, when Conyers was temporarily fooled by the hype of his fellow black Barack Obama being elected President; Conyers wife’ was jailed on charges to drive home the death threats against him.
Note too that of the last 10 US Presidents, 4 have been attacked with coup d’état removal attacks. Two Presidents were shot – John F Kennedy killed in 1963, and then Ronald Reagan in 1981, wounded by a shooter linked to the family of then Vice-President Bush.
Two other US Presidents underwent CIA-tied ‘impeachment’ deceptions, first the 1974 Watergate ‘Silent Coup’ using intel officer Bob Woodward planted as a Washington Post fake ‘brave reporter’, Woodward having worked in intel directly under US Joint Chiefs military head Admiral Maurer. And then Bill Clinton in the 1990s, when he balked at plans to bomb Serbia and kill thousands of people, was hit with the ‘impeachment’ farce with agent Monica Lewinsky … Clinton submitted and began bombing shortly after his stage-managed ‘acquittal’.
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